
Everything You Need To Know About Publishing Your Own Book

Posted: 20th November 2017 08:48

It is easier now than it ever has been before for ordinary people to pursue their creative desires professionally, without necessarily securing the backing of a content producer. For example, the software required to professionally record and mix music can now be obtained by anyone for a reasonable price. As a result, we have seen the rise of self-made music stars who distribute their music through online platforms.

Similarly, it is now easier than ever for aspiring writers to self-publish their books, whether they are fiction or non-fiction. For a long time, many writers considered self-publishing as an act of desperation, a last resort when the usual publishing channels weren’t open. This is a misperception, however, especially now that digital distribution is so easy.

Now, most writers have accepted self-publishing as a viable route to take and one that can offer the same potential reward to writers as more conventional publishing methods. There are different types of self-publishing that authors can pursue, each of which offers its own advantages and disadvantages. Amazon is one the best known self-publish routes, but there are others. Understanding the difference between the various methods and how they can best be pursued by writers looking to publish their own work is essential before committing to the idea.

Self-publishing offers authors an otherwise unattainable level of creative control over their work, as well as numerous other advantages over traditional publishing routes. In this article, we look at the most important things for writers to know before they pursue self-publishing as an option.

Independent Self Publishing

With independent self-publishing, the author undertakes responsibility for all aspects of the process. Needless to say, this is quite an undertaking for those who pursue this option. Not only do they have the considerable undertaking of writing the book but they also have to consider all the other aspects of bringing it to market.
While this approach is undoubtedly the hardest to pull off for most writers, it does offer a number of advantages. First and foremost, the writer takes complete control of the process and is, therefore, able to direct their resources and efforts where they see fit.

By contrast, when working with other agencies, such as a publisher, they will be controlling the purse strings and will, therefore, set the agenda. Authors, especially early on in their careers, often have very little power when negotiating with publishers about their books. Therefore, by self-publishing first, authors can prove themselves, not only in terms of their writing ability but also their intuition and instincts when it comes to making broader decisions about their work.

Book Printing

Independent self-publishing is difficult, although rewarding. Authors will need to have a good understanding of how to produce, market, and distribute their own books. Part of this process will involve book printing. The most efficient and cost-effective way of having your book physically produced will be to work with professional book printers.

Unless you already have experience of self-publishing, it is unlikely you will have had a reason prior to this to learn about the creation of print books. Fortunately, the process is nice and simple. Once you have decided to print your own book, you will then need to select a book printer to approach about producing your book.
It is natural, especially for aspiring authors, to want to minimise their costs. Cheap book printing services are available but you should make sure to thoroughly research them beforehand, look for user reviews and testimonials that can inform you of a business’s suitability for your project.


Once you have a book printed and ready for sale, your next challenge will be to market it effectively. Without putting a reasonable amount of effort into the marketing of the project, it will be doomed to failure; no one is going to buy a book simply because it exists. You need to be proactive in making people aware of your work and where they can buy it, in order to generate sales.

You should take full advantage of social media to promote your work. Make sure that you have a social media profile for your work on all the major platforms. Direct people towards these as a means of communicating with you and of following any news as it occurs. It is a good idea to also have a full website. You might want to consider having one for you as an author, as well as one for your book specifically.

Writing a book is a significant undertaking and it isn’t an easy goal to achieve. Once your book is written, it is time to start considering publishing options. You should give serious consideration to self-publishing as an option. Even though it is a difficult path to take; it is also a very rewarding one.