
Five Creative Tweaks to get the best out of your Website

Posted: 6th June 2016 16:55

In the modern age, it is your website that holds the key to sustained success and future expansion. After all, we live in the age of remote and online communication, where society is increasingly reliant on technology to complete even perfunctory tasks such as money management, grocery shopping and controlling the home heating system.
This has heralded the dawn of e-commerce, which has in turn become increasingly influenced by mobile innovation and smartphones. These trends have had a huge impact on consumer behaviour, creating a marketplace where slow, disorganised or poorly designed websites are often a prelude to failure.
Do not fret if you have an underperforming website, however, as a few simple, cost-effective and creative tweaks can help to resolve the issue.
Optimise your site for Mobile

We have already touched on the importance of m-commerce, as more than 60% customers are now inclined to research and purchase products directly online. This highlights a need to optimise your site for mobile usage, paying particular attention to the layout, individual landing page load times and of course the implementation of responsive design. The need for this has been underpinned by Google's recent algorithm changes, some of which have focused on improving the ranking performance of mobile-friendly sites.
Create a responsive design
Customer's have become accustomed to responsive design, which utilises intuitive side bars and menus to drive a more fluid navigation experience. This is particularly important for mobile browsing, as the compact nature of smartphone display can make searching for items cumbersome on traditional layouts. Integrating this will add huge value to your website and also drive higher conversion rates.
Respect the Fold

The fold is also important, as this represents an invisible line above all which all integral content should be kept if it is to have the optimal impact on customers. The fold remains fixed at 1280x768 on standard PCs, but this changes for mobile so it is importance to first identify this threshold and then tailor your layout and content strategy accordingly. Without this, your message may be lost beneath the fold and this could undermine the performance of your site.
Lead with a compelling CTA (Call-to-action)
The rise of free bingo sites has created a clear drive to promote an aggressive and clearly defined CTA which instantly compels customers. These usually takes the form of an innovative or generous promotions, which builds on the freemium business model to offer free gameplay or bets to players. This translates into free profit, while creating an instantly recognisable value proposition that is sure to engage new or existing customers.
Create a Blog
This is a simple and cost-free exercise that can enhance the visibility and appeal of your website, whether you own a standard site or an e-commerce platform. By creating engaging and SEO-rich content for your blog, you can perform better in relation to relevant keywords and enhance the online visibility of your brand among consumers. Modern SEO is also about people, however, so strive to focus primarily on the quality of the content and the use of organic, value-adding backlinks.