
Four Tips To Taking Your Company Global In 2017

Posted: 2nd February 2017 09:52

New year often comes with its aspirational resolutions. While "I would like my business to go global" resolution might sound like a huge leap, it's very much doable, possible and even essential in today's internet environment, a world with no physical boundaries.

We've gathered some useful tips to get you on the right track so kick back, relax and prepare to take over!

Build an A Team

Building the "right" team is the first rung on the ladder to building your business's success, local and global alike.  Make sure you engage with people who look out for your best interests and with whom you have good chemistry.

Thanks to interconnectivity, your business associates' geographical location is no longer an obstacle. You can communicate with all of them, be they designers, coders or product managers via a reliable conference call service, instead of flying thousands of miles only to discuss your next presentation or a potential client.

Make Your Product Scalable
A new market means new turf, and whiles it's best if your product maintains its consistency; it may still needs to work through some inevitable adaptations to adhere to new clients. These changes might include language constraints, cultural differences, marketing strategy and sometimes even changes of the branding itself. 
The right business partners who are fully immersed in your new market could significantly contribute to your product's localization process.  

Conduct Local Market Research
Conducting thorough market research is essential to understanding new potential markets for your product as well as potential competitors, risk factors and other key components.
It could not only help you assess all factors you need to take into account but also lay out the risks and margin potential.

Don't write this step off, but pave your success carefully by building your strategy with the appropriate business tools and services, some might even be subsidized by your government.

Take Precautions
Better safe than sorry, they say. Where plenty of resources are invested, precaution is not a dirty word. Always consider a plan B, C  and even D. Worst case scenarios, back up plans and possible funding alternatives. The road to success can be longer than expected and have some unpredictable turns. As any business owner knows, this happens more often than not, which is a good reason to prepare a strategic plan, backed up by a local market research as mentioned above.

Indeed, the road to success often translates to feverish preparations which include dedicating your heart, time and money to a purpose.

Yet the minute you envision your business taking it to the next level and expanding, you can't help but smile and realize that while it might be a rocky road ahead, if it works out the result will sure have been worth the effort.
Keep in mind that the seeds you sow today are the fruits you reap in the future; myriad of similar businesses have taken this step before and with the right blueprints, some patience and determination, your business just might be the next one.

Good luck!