
Working After Retirement

Posted: 30th September 2019 09:15

The average life expectancy continues to grow, leaving seniors who were previously retired looking for ways to contribute and earn a few extra dollars. Many baby boomers have virtually no savings and count solely on their social security benefits to cover their expenses. However, in most cases, the money provided by the government is not enough to give retirees comfort in their golden years. The good news is that there are many part-time jobs available to seniors that will give them the extra income they need to enjoy their retirement. 


In the banking industry, there are many mortgage jobs such as a loan officer or a mortgage broker available to seniors. And, thanks to advancements in technology, many of the jobs available in the banking industry you can perform from the comfort of your home. 


Online work and other opportunities are in high demand. Many companies see the cost-effectiveness of pay-as-you-go workers, which allow them to grow big without a lot of overhead. Independent workers, such as writers and editors can find plenty of work opportunities online through various companies. The best is that you can work as much or as little as you like. All you need to get started is a good computer and a high-speed internet connection. Most companies have a trial submission process that you must complete. However, if you get approved, you can basically start working at any time.   

Sell Items Online 

Another great way to earn extra income is to sell items online. If you have a talent for making crafts or woodworking, you can make items and then list them on sites like Etsy or Ruby Lane and make a few extra dollars monthly. If you have a lot of older items laying around in good condition, you can also sell them online on sites like eBay or Amazon. 

Leaving Home 

People who retire often experience loneliness and separation from the world. After all, you were once part of the working class and then suddenly you are not. If you yearn to get back to work and want to be around people, there are many part-time jobs available to seniors. You can become a librarian, a bookkeeper or even a medical assistant to a doctor. Many companies prefer to hire part-time workers to avoid having to pay out benefits. Since you already have medical insurance, you can take advantage of these opportunities. 

Best of Both Worlds 

If you want to remain in contact with people but also want to be your own boss, you can start your own business. Even in retirement, there are jobs where you can create your own hours and your own pay. For example, becoming a handyman is a great job for retirees. You can work daily or choose to schedule jobs for certain days of the week. It gives you a way to socialize while earning extra income on your terms. Other jobs include tutoring, becoming a therapist, or even becoming a cosmetologist. 

Social Media 

Social media websites are wonderful platforms on which to promote your business during your retirement. With millions of viewers daily, you'll improve your chances of achieving success. Whether you are selling services or products, having a website of your own gives you credibility; which, in the end, makes it easier to earn money. If you are clueless about where to begin there are companies that specialize in helping seniors with web design, email, and content. 

Many seniors are now living well beyond their retirement age. And, because many of these same seniors find themselves without savings to fall back on, they need to work part-time. Thankfully, there are an abundance of job opportunities available in a wide range of fields.