
The Benefits Of A Bespoke Aquarium

The Benefits Of A Bespoke Aquarium

By Mark Johnson

Posted: 28th February 2012 10:12

There have been multiple studies on the affects of people watching fish aquariums, resulting in the conclusion that aquariums have a positive influence on those viewing them. Benefits include a reduction in stress, high blood pressure, anxiety, pulse rate and muscle tension.  Aquariums can even help with insomnia for those who need a little more peace and quiet at home.  Children with hyperactivity disorder responded well to aquariums, helping them calm down.  Those who work at computers for hours a day can ease their mind for a moment when an aquarium is in the office, helping them feel less stressed and more productive.   Fish tanks are great tools for mental health, for any age and any facility whether it be at home or in an office.

Having an aquarium in a medical or dental office brings many rewards. One study in a dentist office determined that patients who watched a fish aquarium before their encounter with the dentist felt less anxiety and required less pain medication than those who did not.  Even hypnosis before a dentist appointment was not as effective as a patient observing a fish tank before an appointment.  Many people waiting for a medical appointment feel a high degree of stress and anxiety. Aquariums have been proven to help reduce that anxiousness along with high blood pressure as well as decreasing pulse rate and muscle tension.  Patients of all ages can complete a medical or dental appointment with ease rather than resistance.  Children especially have a positive response to fish aquariums.

Aquariums have a positive impact on people of all ages. Reduced anxiety, blood pressure, and insomnia are just a few benefits for people with a view of a fish tank.  Not only are aquariums great for ones health, but they are beautiful as well.  Fish aquariums serve as a living piece of art wherever they stand.  Aquariums are remarkable tools for the mind, body, and soul.

For more information on installing a home or office aquarium then email or contact 01457 238941.
