
Top Training Apps

Top Training Apps

By Natalie Horsley

Posted: 3rd December 2014 15:17

Whether your fitness goal is to complete your first marathon or you just want to gain some muscle bulk and tone, the journey to your fitness target can be a confusing and lonely one.  Thankfully, a variety of apps designed especially for mobile devices exist to actively improve fitness in a whole range of ways. 
Nike+ Running
iOS and Android

The Nike+ Running App is an attractive guide to improving fitness and endurance.  The programme uses GPS tracking to accurately plot routes, helping users increase speed and distance during their running and walking exercises.  Users can then challenge their personal best time and distance, bringing a competitive element to each workout to aid motivation.  The app’s ‘Nike+ Coach’ feature comes equipped with training programmes, coaching tips and daily workouts to help push fitness levels.  The app’s integrated music player allows users to listen their own music as they run, as well as activate specially selected ‘PowerSongs’ that help get motivate users for their final push.
Map My Ride

Designed with cycling and mountain biking enthusiasts in mind, this app accurately tracks each ride users undertake, calculating their route, speed, time taken, distance travelled and the amount of calories burned.  Using this precise data, cyclists can monitor their performance and make adjustments to help improve their endurance and overall fitness level.  The app tracks routes in the background with optional voice messages giving notifications on progress, meaning that cyclists can listen to music, take calls and otherwise use their phone as normal while the app is running.  Users can also share their progress and recommended routes to social media sites via the Map My Ride app.
Yoga for Great Abs
Windows Phone

Using the physical, mental and spiritual practice of yoga to build core strength and muscle tone, this app guides users through a variety of yoga positions using detailed descriptions and illustrative photographs.  These illustrations ensure that users are achieving correct form and making the most out of their workout.  Perfect for reducing strain on the lower back and legs, these core muscle exercises will guide users through a workout routine that will help build desirable ‘six-pack’ abs.  With the added bonus of keeping joints all around the body supple and muscles toned, this relaxing exercise app is ideal for increasing fitness and reducing stress.
Ultra Fitness Pro

An ideal app for those wishing to increase muscle size, definition and tone, Ultra Fitness Pro guides users through 540 exercises that train 22 individual muscle groups and increase resistance gradually.  With illustrated step-by-step guides and detailed descriptions of each exercise, users can be confident about perfecting their form and making great progress.  These exercises are grouped into easy, intermediate and hard categories, allowing users of any skill level to make full use of this app.  Also included is a diet plan and a library of recipes designed to help users reduce their body fat to improve definition and fuel muscle gains.
iOS and Android

Fitocracy combines fitness advice and tracking information with a unique social media element, which can prove to be a powerful tool to help users improve fitness and endurance.  Fitocracy allows users to network with others who have similar goals and fitness levels in order to form groups.  These groups can chat, compare workouts and generally support each other during their fitness journey.  The app can also put users in contact with over half a million personal trainers, who can be hired to guide users through a wide variety of fitness programmes, from building up arm muscles to hitting a 10 kilometre running target.
