
Remote Work Visa Opportunities for Digital Nomads

Remote Work Visa Opportunities for Digital Nomads

Posted: 14th January 2021 14:38

One of the bigger changes to emerge from 2020 had been the widespread shift to remote working for many of us, allowing more flexibility in the way we work and bringing more attention to the digital nomad lifestyle that many have adopted to for some time now. The coronavirus pandemic also changed the attitude toward digital nomads too, however, as an increasing number of countries began to offer longer term visas focussed on the concept, with many now allowing extended stay to those looking to work away from home. A full guide to how to obtain many can be found at the Digital Nomad World, but some of the more notable are very exciting for those looking to get away from home.

Dubai – In 2020, Dubai launched their Remote Work Nomad visa to encourage more people to move to the luxury region and enjoy everything it has to offer whilst also working – for a small fee of $287, you’ll be able to access everything you need to work in Dubai from telecoms and utilities, to living spaces. There are some requirements such as having medical insurance and at least six months remaining on your passport, as well as proof of employment from your employer, but as one of the many countries that was able to handle the pandemic very well and a brilliant digital infrastructure, if you have the flexibility to work remotely this could certainly be a second home for you.

Barbados and Bermuda – Joining the many countries that offered remote working visas during the pandemic, Barbados and Bermuda were both on the longer-term opportunities as both offered up to 12 month stays on their remote working visa. The Barbados opportunity labelled as the ‘Welcome Stamp Visa’ is on the pricier side, costing $2,000 for individuals or $3,000 families, but many had turned to it as a way to escape the growing anxiety of the pandemic and relax with scenic vistas whilst working. Many who have moved out to Barbados during this period of time have already stated they’ll be looking to extend their Welcome Stamp, and if you’re looking to have a nice warm getaway with beautiful views, this is certainly a great option.

The similar option for Bermuda is much cheaper at just $263, similar to that of Dubai. So, if you’re looking to save a little but still want something a little more remote than the Dubai cityscape, this may serve as a better option for you.
There are plenty of other visa options that have become available too so you’ll be able to find your perfect working environment, and with 2021 looking to hold some similarities to the early months of 2020, we may certainly still be in this for the long haul. Some of these visa’s may not be around permanently either, so getting involved early can certainly be of a great benefit to you, and get you in your dream location for the remainder of the year.
