
The Farm Business Innovation Show

The Farm Business Innovation Show

Posted: 16th October 2019 15:22

The Farm Business Innovation Show is only 3 weeks ago! Returning to the Birmingham NEC on November 6th & 7th, make sure to grab a ticket as we highly recommend this fantastic event!
The exhibition aims to help farmers, landowners, and rural businesses to find all the tools, resources and inspiration needed to diversify their business and increase their income. The show will take you from the very start to the very end of a diversification project, so seize these unmissable networking opportunities with your FREE ticket!
Your ticket will also give you access to the shows running alongside; the Family Attraction Expo, Country House Business Innovation Show,Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show, and new for 2019, the Leisure F&B Expo. Expand your offerings so you can make more money from your land, this November!
Make sure to grab your FREE ticket today, and get ready to soak up all the industry knowledge.
We will look forward to seeing you at the show!
