
Whale Watching Adventures In Iceland

Whale Watching Adventures In Iceland

By Sam Lucas

Posted: 22nd November 2013 14:21

Very few people are lucky enough to see the majestic kings of the deep up close in their natural environment.  Iceland is one of the world’s premier destinations for whale watching; there are 23 different types of whale stalking the coasts of Iceland, and with the help of a guided tour it is almost impossible not to see one breaching the dark blue waters.  Whale watching has been an increasingly important part of the country’s economy since 1997, and is now one of the world’s most popular sites for this fascinating seaborne pursuit.

The two primary destinations in Iceland for whale watching are the capital city of Reykjavik and the northern town of Húsavík; indeed, Húsavík is one of the most reliable sites in the world for catching a glimpse of the majestic creatures.  Both areas have well developed whale watching industries which observe strict codes of conduct aimed at causing minimum disturbance to the animals and their habitat.  Tours generally run all year round, but the summer months remain the best time to go on a whale watching expedition; the abundant supply of food that can be found in Icelandic waters during this period draws in whales from far and wide.  A number of tour options are available, but one of the country’s most tempting experiences is the midnight sun whale watching tour.  Having slowly made your way out to sea, the boat’s engines are shut down to leave you with the sight of the graceful whales dancing through the water to the gentle music of the soothing waves.

A trip out to see the whales off Iceland’s coast is also now an extremely comfortable and welcoming experience.  Thanks to the booming tourist industry, many companies have been able to upgrade and improve their fleet of boats.  Spacious indoor seating is warmed by central heating; speakers and video screens help you track the location of the whales; and snack bars provide food and hot drinks for passengers.  Large, open viewing decks are a perfect location for that all important photograph; whilst many companies now provide coats and blankets to protect against the chilly Arctic breeze.  Whale watching is also a perfect opportunity to appreciate the variety of wildlife that inhabits the shores of Iceland – gannets, guillemots, puffins, seals, and basking sharks can all often be seen on a boat trip.                                 
