
Lisa Wright
Bureau Van Dijk
Head Of M&A Solutions
United Kingdom
Email Address
+44(0) 7549 5012
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Lisa Wright
Head Of M&A Solutions at Bureau Van Dijk
Professional Details

Lisa has been working in the information industry for over twenty years and has a detailed knowledge of both company financial information and M&A data. She holds a post graduate qualification in Business and Management from Salford University and in 2013 also sat and passed the Certified Merger & Acquisition Advisor (CM&AA) certification programme in the US.

Lisa Wright joined, a provider of M&A data, as Commercial Director in 2001 to manage the transition of its original business model from free to fee paying and to seek new revenue streams. Part of this transition was Lisa’s instigation of discussions with Bureau van Dijk (BvD), the leading publisher of global business information, regarding a co-published analytical M&A information product, Zephyr, which was successfully launched 2002. When the opportunity arose for BvD to acquire Zephus, Lisa participated in the sale process.

Lisa is now BvD’s managing director for M&A products globally and oversees the research process for Zephyr. She is BvD’s product expert in Global M&A and acts in an advisory role to the group’s sales teams worldwide.

Lisa writes a regular blog on BvD’s recently launched M&A Portal, providing an insight on current deals and emerging trends. Other written contributions include an article in “Mergers and Acquisitions – A Practical Guide for Private Companies and their UK and Overseas Advisors” published by Kogan Page

Lisa is frequently asked to speak at international events on M&A trends both global and regionally.