Virtual Round Table

Divorce Law 2015

In our Divorce Law Roundtable we spoke with seven experts from around the world to discuss the current divorce law landscape in their respective jurisdictions. Highlighted topics include: a summary of regulatory developments in Australia, an analysis of legal case precedent with regards to Wright v Wright and Wyatt (Appellant) v Vince (Respondent) in the United Kingdom, and a discussion on when it is advantageous to pursue litigation or a method of alternative dispute resolution.
Click or drag up to four experts into the centre of the table to read and compare their responses.
If using a smartphone just click on the expert's picture to select them.

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  • Sarah Hughes
    Anthony Gold Solicitors
  • Barbara Campbell
    Campbell & Co Solicitors
  • Petra Slingenberg-Beishuizen
    Delissen Martens
  • Trudi Featherstone
    Goodman Ray
  • Jay Patel
    Howard Kennedy LLP
  • Emma Pearmaine
    Simpson Millar Solicitors LLP
  • Twila Larkin
    Sutin, Thayer & Browne
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