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How Post-Secondary Education Effects Your Career

Posted: 10th September 2014 08:49
The advance in technology has potentiated increased enrollment into many institutions of higher learning. There tends to be a correlation between inadequate technological education and a soaring “skill gap” in the modern labor market. As a result, post-secondary education is designed to prepare graduates with work ethics and other work-related skills, aimed at bridging the widening skill gap in the rapidly globalizing labor market. In addition, more education accrued immediately after high school, gives individuals better employment opportunities and wages. Better wages influence better living standards because people can afford better health care.
One’s career depends a lot in nurturing and investing in occupation-related skills. While pursuing high school education, students have critical decisions to make regarding the types of pre-college courses to pursue or the kinds of colleges to apply to. Based on research - these decisions are crucial because they directly influence their career plans, because they play an important role in the kinds of majors that students take in college. The dynamically changing economic landscape has made some majors to provide more opportunities than others. As a result, many companies are seeking graduates with the highest levels of occupational skills in the newly emerging and advancing fields.  Consequently, the choices that undergraduates make regarding their majors have an inherently varying effect on the kinds of career opportunities available to them. For instance, students pursuing demanding majors like engineering find themselves having a myriad of employment and education opportunities than those pursuing humanities and social sciences.

In order to have a fulfilling and successful career, post-secondary education is mandatory as it introduces people to a real-world where employees are expected to deliver. Occupational skills, and work ethics and team building skills among other real-world working conditions and expectations are provided through post-secondary education. This means that a successful career needs more learning and putting into practice what is learnt in a real-working environment (offered through post-secondary education).  

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