
Five Sparkling Reasons to Invest In a Cleaning Franchise

Posted: 28th February 2014 08:55

By Webb Ward
Fancy investing in a franchise?  Make a cleaning business your first choice.            

Why? Because according to the Cleaning Industry National Training Organisation, the scrubbing sector in the UK is worth a staggering £10bn – which means there are plenty of chances to clean up.

While you may imagine it to be an endless rounds of rubber gloves, bleach and scouring grubby toilets, owning a franchise means you can actually employ folk to do the dirty work on your behalf.

From a management perspective, a cleaning franchise involves sending top-notch cleaners to help ensure your clients’ premises are spotless, and offers a significant return on your initial investment.

Still not convinced? Check out our five sparkling reasons below to help you make up your mind…

Choose Your Niche

As you might expect, those involved in the cleaning industry tend to specialise in either domestic or commercial cleaning. Whether it’s painstakingly scrubbing a wall mounted soap dispenser, cleaning carpets or windows, or offering a deep clean service to restaurants and takeaways, the options are almost endless – and remember: where there’s muck there’s money.

Get Your Hands Dirty – Or Not

The best thing about running your own cleaning franchise is that you can decide whether to get your hands dirty and become part of the cleaning team, or whether you want to take a back seat with a managerial role. In cases like this, it’s best to stick to your strong suit and get involved in the area of the business where you feel most comfortable.

Beat the Economic Slump

With the country’s economy still staggering back to its feet, unemployment is its inevitable by-product – but not in the cleaning industry! In fact, there is a huge demand for cleaning services, regardless of the economic conditions, which means the discerning franchise owner is guaranteed to be quids in.

Revel In Rapid Success

Considering the low overheads associated with a cleaning business, your franchise should be making a profit quicker than you can say “sparkling”. Once you’re making money hand over fist, there are various options available to you. Either enjoy your cash and do the things you’ve always wanted, or expand your existing operation– the choice is yours!

Enjoy a Flexible Way of Life

Depending on your circumstances, owning a cleaning franchise allows you to pick and choose when and where you want to work. Whether you’re content to sit at home and direct operations, or you rent a bricks and mortar premises, being your own boss typically means the amount of hard graft you’re prepared to put in is directly correlated to how much cash you will glean from the business.