
Moving Your Business Out In Front

Posted: 23rd October 2020 12:11

Competition is all around you. As a small business owner, every decision you make matters. Using tried and proven marketing strategies as well as new methods will allow you to advance in front of the competition.
Funds Available
Every small business must utilize every penny of their budget to produce results. In many cases, finding companies willing to lend money and invest in them is a large problem. Thankfully, there are other types of lenders with less stringent requirements, allowing you to find a loan company willing to invest in your business. 
Know the Competition
One of the best ways to advance ahead of your competitors is knowing their strategies. Every business has strengths and weaknesses. Find out what your competitors lack and capitalize on it. Take a look at their advertising and marketing campaign, and what customers think about them by reading feedback on their website and reviewing the services and products they offer. This insight can be used to your advantage. For example, are they responsive to their customers? Do they respond quickly to comments posted?
What the Consumer Wants

Satisfying the needs of your customers is critical to building loyalty and expanding the business. Otherwise, you may make the initial sale only to lose the repeat business. A willingness to adapt to the ever-changing needs of the consumer will allow you to sustain healthy growth annually. Treat your customers on a personal basis. Their needs will change. One day they may buy on a budget and the next they may want a new high-tech device. In the end, moving any business forward depends on communication, quality, and demand. 
Strategic Alliance
Many successful small businesses understand the importance of maintaining a strategic alliance with businesses that co-exist. For example, in construction, you have builders, electricians, and plumbers. If you’re an electrician, forming an alliance with a construction company or plumber can open the door to more opportunities. 
Your Loyal Base
A loyal base can prove highly beneficial across the board. First, they will offer repeat business as the need arises. Secondly, if they are happy with your business, they will refer their family, friends, and co-workers to you. Word-of-mouth is something most people trust more than a rating by consumer reports. 
Excel in Customer Service
Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t put much emphasis on customer service. This is a costly mistake. Word-of-mouth is a two-way street and bad reviews can cost you valuable business. You can have a wonderful product, however, if you don’t respond to questions and maintain a positive image, your business will lose sales. Make sure that your employees are on the same page regarding the company mission and values. Periodic meetings will help reinforce your efforts.  
A Community Presence
Small businesses don’t have the financial resources to host large scale events or campaigns to attract and preserve customer loyalty. However, they do have something a corporation can’t offer and that’s a stronghold in the community. Maintaining a presence through sponsorship of local clubs and teams and hosting an annual event open to the public are a few tried and proven methods to please present customers and attract new ones. Small business owners live in the community and allowing your peers to see you and find out more about you, putting a face to the company name and making it personal. 
Safeguards in Place
Every business needs to take steps to preserve its customers’ personal information. Having safeguards in place, such as encrypting data, spam filters, and installing malware protections, are a few essentials to reduce the threat of a cyberattack. Restricting access to sensitive information, and creating strong passwords available to a select few, will also benefit the security of personal information. It’s also important to make it a practice to shred every piece of mail that may contain information that pertains to the business and your customers.
The odds of a small business owner surviving their first five years in business is one in five. To add to this, the recent virus brings with it newly imposed workplace guidelines. To make it through and experience annual growth you need to stay ahead of your competitors, know your customers’ needs, and practice excellent customer service.