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The Future of Business Relies on Cloud Computing

By Webb Ward
Posted: 28th February 2014 08:48
Cloud computing has been hailed as an IT game changer with the agility of cloud infrastructures being able to dramatically reduce the cost of business failings. Now entrepreneurs can re-invent their business models in a way they haven’t been able to in over 10 years.

For those who are unclear about what exactly cloud computing is; it’s the practice of using remote server networks hosted on the web rather than a local server or standalone PC. These networks can be used to store, manage and process all sorts of computer data, from websites to design suites, training programs to music libraries.
While organisations have previously had to base their businesses on the IT available, with the priority usually placed on cost, now the rise of hybrid solutions which span over both cloud and private data centres, mean now almost any business model can be dreamt up and put into place.

Start-up companies can now potentially enjoy the same level of IT sophistication as any larger more established business with the use of cloud computing. Alongside outsourcing, this means operational focuses can be shifted onto improving the core services and products on offer. Obstacles to growth are being quickly removed.
For large organisations, investing in cloud platforms means a new flexibility can be enjoyed, something that hasn’t been experienced since the days of being a small business.

Cloud use is also paving a way towards larger differentiation in the business place. It allows for business to concentrate on their own unique selling points and outsource cloud technology for anything that doesn’t need to distinguish them from their competitors. Creating unique software and platform for operations that need little customisation is becoming more and more common. This of course provides huge financial benefits too, further freeing up opportunities for growth.

The speed of business growth has an exciting future with cloud computing too. When bugs occur, no longer do companies need to wait for on-premises solution. Instead vendors can quickly apply fixes and add new fixes for every client remotely. Support calls are dramatically reduced in general.

Cloud computing is also becoming a hugely important part of the training process for organisations. IT training can be carried out online without the need for internal teachers or additional computing software, see here.

Mobile technology is predicted to take a big leap towards the cloud too. Tablets and smartphones are already using this to some extent but with saturated features taking up most of device space, innovation surely lies in the cloud. Mobile devices will become more and more like data terminals than stand-alone platforms. Cloud computing on a mobile leads to better performance, flexibility and another revenue stream for the likes of Apple and Google.

When you’re considering a move to cloud computing remember that the most compelling reasons to do so are either to drive up business or drive down operational costs – you don’t need to jump on the band wagon for the sake of it. Just know that cloud computing is going to the way forward eventually and its popularity is growing fast.

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