
What to Include on a Resume

Posted: 18th March 2021 08:27

Are you thinking of applying for a new job? Has it been a while since you put together a resume? Although the format of creating a resume has not changed over the years, it’s important to make yours worth reading. So, here are some tips to make your resume stand out among the rest. 
It is important to be as honest as possible with every application because most companies can use employer background checks to verify criminal history. While it is not necessary to include criminal history on your resume, you will need to disclose that information at some point. Try your best to be upfront. 
Resume Objective
First, it is important to start out with your resume objective. That goes at the top of your first page and will detail the type of job that you are applying for. This will also include the location of the place that you are seeking employment. Putting this at the top of your resume will help managers compare your qualifications with the position that you are pursuing as they read it for the first time. If you are a good fit for it, the manager might be more likely to call quicker if you state your objective at the top. In addition, this can include a very brief summary of your professional experience. 
Work Experience
Your work experience is probably one of the more crucial things to include on your resume. This information will be one of the determining factors of you obtaining a position. Employers will determine if you are qualified enough and have enough experience based on your previous work background. So be as thorough as possible and be sure to include a small job description under each previous employer. 
Try to relate your job description to the position you are seeking if possible. Highlight qualities that you gained from your previous career. A new employer might find it beneficial if they do not have to train you in certain areas. Be sure to talk about any opportunities you had to advance your career and supervise other employees. This is the spot on your resume to brag about your past accomplishments. 
Adding your highest level of education to your resume is necessary. Be very clear and concise regarding what certifications, licenses and/or degrees that you possess. Make sure to include the date that you received them and/or the date that they expire and require renewal. Start by putting your highest level of education at the top and work your way downward. 
Something Unique 
What you include for the rest of your resume is up to you. Plan to use the rest of your space to show off unique merits that make you a better fit for this job than other candidates. List skills, volunteer experience, and other unique aspects about your character and work ethic. This will allow employers to get to know you better and assess if you are the best applicant for their position. There are plenty of online resources for those who have trouble with this section. 
How you decide to format your resume will play a critical role in you getting an interview. Resumes that are unnecessarily bulky or too short tend to be looked at negatively by employers. Make sure you divide your resume into sections ( education, skills, experience). That will make it easy for employers to read and will set a better impression. Use bullet points when talking about past jobs. Set 1-inch margins on all sides. Don’t forget to pick an 11 or 12 point font and make sure that is consistent throughout the document. In addition, always have someone double-check your work to find typos and errors. 
Lastly, make sure that you have proper contact information written down so that the boss can contact you when they are ready to have an interview! Best of luck to you!