
Fine Wine: Toro Loco Tempranillo

Fine Wine: Toro Loco Tempranillo

By James Drakeford

Posted: 26th July 2012 13:29

Fine wine often evokes images of a dusty old cellar in some 16th century monastery, or at the very least parting way with huge sums of cash.  However, you can now pick up a taste of divinity for as little as £3.59 a bottle.
A panel of experts at the International Wine & Spirits Competition recently awarded Aldi supermarkets own-brand Spanish Toro Loco Tempranillo from 2011 with a silver medal, beating bottles in a blind test costing ten times as much.
The judges described the budget wine as ‘fruity, rounded and appealing’ with hints of ‘nice bright cherry’.  The Toro Loco Tempranillo hails from Utiel-Requena region in the province of Valencia, Spain.  While it tastes great on its own, it makes a natural match to a wide range of dishes, especially those with a hint or two of spice.
