
Traveling for Your Health

Traveling for Your Health

Posted: 5th August 2019 08:21

It’s no secret that most people like to travel just to break the routine, get as far away from work as possible, do something different, go someplace new, and eat some interesting food. Yet, it’s also no secret that travel has some magical effects on our overall health and well being.
When you take a break from your nine-to-five in order to travel, you open your schedule and energy to explore and feel a little more ‘free’ than usual. You also open up to new experiences like seeing a live band you’ve never heard of; trying food you never thought existed; and meeting people who don’t speak your language (plus, making a fool of yourself trying to explain how much you love the local beer!) But most of all, you open your body and mind to receive the benefits of your trip. Read on to understand why travel is actually good for your health.
Relieving Stress and Boosting Mental Health
Granted, this may be obvious, but it’s also the most important aspect of traveling in general – stress reduction is simply the number one benefit of taking a trip. Traveling has the ability to take you away from your daily routine and into new surroundings and experiences, which can actually reset your body and mind. Even the mere activity of planning a trip can have a fantastic effect on the body, since it boosts happiness, and feels quite rewarding. Next time you’re doing it, try to stop and observe how excited you are!
Not only does travel reduce stress, but it also expands the mind. Think about it… meeting new people (from a totally different city or country altogether) and adapting to new situations in unfamiliar territories just instantly makes you a little more globally and culturally aware. These activities help in keeping the mind sharp, enhancing resourcefulness, increasing creativity, promoting empathy, and helping with overall personal growth. Some things you just won’t learn in books!
Getting into Shape and Improving One’s Diet 
While this mostly depends on the nature of your travels, and whether you’ll be walking up and down the hills or indulging in three scoops of gelato a day, it is still quite valid for most people. Travel can be a real opportunity for you to work on, and improve, your fitness levels.
Most of us become generally more active on a trip, in contrast to sitting in an office chair all day. If you’re exploring Europe or visiting Disney World, you may be happy to hear that travelers can typically rack up as many as 20,000-30,000 steps per day. In addition to embarking on city tours and sightseeing walk-throughs, activities like paddle boarding, hiking and swimming also helps to boost metabolism, and work those muscles.
On the other hand, many people choose to go on specific trips for the sole purpose of improving their fitness levels and improving their diets. If this is something you want to explore, there are many institutions that provide this kind of service to varying target audiences of all backgrounds, ages, and needs. According to the professionals at, you can search and compare a number of fitness resorts; adult fat camps; diet retreats; health spas; and weight loss camps for kids and teens. These kinds of resorts are gaining popularity because they help in giving intensive attention to health exclusively for a set amount of time with no outside distractions whatsoever, and this really helps in implementing a healthy lifestyle for the long run.
Improving Sleep Patterns
Everyone knows that poor sleep and high stress levels are a terrible combo for our mental state, and can be too much to handle in the long run. Irregular or poor sleep alone can be responsible for a number of health problems such as irritability, diminished cognitive performance and efficiency, as well as dark circles or puffiness around the eyes, in addition to dry skin and hair (who wants that?)
It is recommended that adults sleep at least seven to eight per night. And while this may be challenging with your demanding day-to-day responsibilities and schedules, it can be more easily achieved while traveling. If you’re lucky enough to be visiting one of the Mediterranean countries, you might even engage in a popular local activity represented in an afternoon nap after lunch, known as a Siesta. They sure know how to live!
Being Exposed to Better Air Quality
Let’s face it, the city atmosphere is not exactly the best thing for our lungs, but when we travel, we are likely to spend a day by the beach; have a picnic in a garden; hike up a mountain or through the woods; or take a walk in the countryside. Travel exposes us to more natural scenery and locations than our home city might be able to offer, giving our bodies a chance to indulge in clean air and pure natural surroundings. This helps energize the organs, revitalize the tissues, and give our bodies a well-deserved detox from the car-exhaust-laden city air.
Your Mind and Body Deserve a Break
It’s obvious that travel comes with a myriad of health benefits for the mind, body and soul, and they don’t have to come at great costs. Before deciding on your next trip destination, study your finances and decide on a budget. That way, your travel research can have a direction. Whether you choose to visit a coastal town an hour away, or invest in a luxurious trip to the Bahamas, travel is still a travel, and it’s good for you.
Remember to embrace your travel adventures with an open mind, ready to try new things and get a little adventurous. If your inhibitions, try to take over, you might want to remind yourself that you’re doing this for the greater good of your own body and mind. Go on a trip that can truly improve your mental health and relieve your stress; get your muscles going and whip your body into shape; enrich your diet with gifts from nature and local farmer’s goods; reset your biological clock and improve the quality of your sleep; as well as treat your skin, hair and lungs to some pure air in a natural atmosphere with open fields around you, and burning stars above.
